SiNNI Neurovascular Course

The treatment of neurovascular diseases has greatly increased over the last several years, in major part due to the unprecedented expansion of endovascular techniques, requiring highly specialized knowledge and skills. The rapid advancements in endovascular techniques, devices, and technologies demand continuous education to ensure that practitioners of this subspecialty are equipped to provide the best possible care. In Southeast Asia, there is a pressing need for advanced neurovascular education to address the region’s specific healthcare challenges.
The Course Objective is to provide the participant with a deep understanding of neurovascular anatomy, practical clinical management of neurovascular disease, details of different endovascular techniques and devices. Through case-based discussions and hands on practice, participants will gain insights into the management of complex neurovascular conditions, preparing them to excel in their clinical practice. This course would also allow for an excellent opportunity for participants to connect with peers and experts in the field of neurovascular intervention.
The Target Audience is mainly intended for neurointervention fellows or already practicing neurointerventionists who are early in their career, background of whom can be from the fields of Neuroradiology, Neurology or Neurosurgery.

Join us in May 2025 in Bangkok
and continue in November 2025 in Singapore
Course Details
SiNNI Bangkok Course
26 - 28 May 2025
Pinpak conference room, 72nd anniversary building, ground floor, Siriraj hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
Course Fee
Early bird registration (before 1 April 2025) : 450 USD,
including 4 nights of hotel accommodation
Regular registration (from 1 April 2025) : 450 USD,
not including accommodation
Maximum participants
SiNNI Singapore Course
26 - 28 November 2025
<Details to be confirmed>
SiNNI Bangkok Course Program

Day 1
0800 - 1000 :
- Course introduction and overview
- Embolization techniques 1 - Principle of embolization for high flow malformations
- Embolization technique 2 - Principle of embolization for vascular tumors
- Complications and avoidance
15 min Tea/Coffee Break
1015 - 1215 :
Spinal vascular anatomy and pathology 1
- Anatomy and embryology of the spinal vascular system
- Classification of spinal vascular malformations
- Spinal AVM
- Spinal AVF
45 min Lunch Break
1300 - 1500 :
Spinal vascular anatomy and pathology 2
- Anatomy of spinal venous system
- Spinal dural and epidural AVF
- Paraspinal AVF
- Vertebral tumor and treatment options
15 min Tea/Coffee Break
1515 - 1715 :
Vascular anatomy and pathology of the Orbit
- Ophthalmic embryology, anatomy, and variations
- Vascular pathology of the orbital region
Day 2
0800 - 1000 :
Vascular anatomy and pathology of the
Cranio-cervical junction
- Functional anatomy of the cranio-cervical junction
- Dangerous anastomosis of the posterior circulation
- Parent artery sacrifice of the vertebro-basilar circulation
15 min Tea/Coffee Break
1015 - 1215 :
Venous anatomy of the Posterior fossa and Suboccipital region
- Posterior fossa venous anatomy
- Suboccipital venous anatomy
- Idiopathic Intracranial hypotension
45 min Lunch Break
1300 - 1500 :
Vascular anatomy and pathology of the Maxillo-facial region
- Embryology of the ECA
- Dangerous anastomosis of the anterior circulation
- Maxillofacial trauma and epistaxis
- Vascular lesions of maxillo-facial region
15 min Tea/Coffee Break
1515 - 1715 :
The Cavernous Sinus
- Anatomy of the cavernous sinus
- Direct carotid cavernous fistula and treatment principles
- Cavernous sinus dural AVF and treatment principles
Day 3
0800 - 1000 :
Intracranial Veins and Dural Sinuses
- Anatomy of the Intracranial Veins and Dural Sinuses
- Diploic vein anatomy
- DVA and Transcerebral veins
- The Gymphatic system and Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
15 min Tea/Coffee Break
1015 - 1215 :
Dural AVF
- Etiology and pathology of dural AVF
- Clinical presentation, hemodynamics, classification, and treatment indications
- Treatment options
45 min Lunch Break
1300 - 1500 :
Pediatrics 1
- Embryology and pathology of VGAM
- Clinical presentation and treatment for VGAM
- Embryology and pathology of DSM
- Clinical presentation and treatment for DSM
15 min Tea/Coffee Break
1515 - 1715 :
Pediatrics 2
- Pediatric AVM and AVF - Pediatric aneurysm - Retinoblastoma - Juvenile angiofibroma
Our Faculty

Prof Anchalee Churojana
Course Director - Siriraj

Dr Wickly Lee
Course Director - NNI

Prof Istvan Szikora
Course Advisor

A/Prof Thaweesak Aurboonyawat

Dr Joanna Pearly Ti

Dr Ekawut Chankaew

Clin Asst Prof Saravana Kumar

Asst Prof Pattarawit Withayasuk

Clin Asst Prof
Kee Tze Phei

Dr Boonrerk Sangpetngam

Dr Julian Han

Dr Cheong Tien Meng